Project info

  • Domestic
  • 24 x Bi-Facial 430w panels will generate around 9500kWh per year and coupled with the SolarEdge 10.5kW battery and backup gateway will power the house in the event of a power cut.

  • February 2024

  • Shalfleet Isle of Wight

Project Overview

These 24 x Bi-Facial 430w solar panels fitted in Shalfleet Isle of Wight IOW will generate around 9500kWh per year and coupled with the SolarEdge 10.5kW battery and backup gateway will power the house in the event of a power cut.

The G99 application now allows us to apply for more solar capacity on the island, so if you have an existing system or need a larger capacity installation, give us a call to arrange a free survey.